This morning went out to Mina with the manager of an electrical company, Mr. Marius Buhociu. I was driving the Dacia, he was driving his new Toyota. At a certain point we decided that no reason to go further with 2 cars so I left the Dacia in the parking around Codlea and went with him further to the village.
We did noticed that between the road junction and the village sign there were a lot of gravel and JCB's and lorries, so we noticed that these people are working hard on the road, even it was raining.
It's kind of an unwritten law here that major road works are mostly done in bad weather and rain... So you can be sure that the quality it will be really bad, and next year perhaps they will ask you to do it again, and if you're lucky get more money too...
So we arrived in the village and went directly to the Hospital. I showed him around, than the electrician joined and showed him all the fuse boxes and the electrical connections.
I found out that the hospital was rewired around 1990 just after the revolution, but unfortunately with aluminum wiring not copper. After we have seen around he has told me that he will make a price offer, in the next few days. Most importantly, according to his advice we have to replace all the existent fuse boxes, because they are not only old but dangerous too. He was surprised to see the main fuse box how bad condition it is.
Marius Buhociu checking on the fuse box

So number one priority replacement of fuse boxes. After this has been completed, we can discuss further what we want and how much we want replaced. Now at least he knows the hospital, he said that he has never been in this village, but he liked it! Also asked me if I hear anyone selling land around, he would be interested.
When we left the village the adventure began. Between the village and the junction because of road works the main road was temporarily closed. As we have seen cars on the right going down from the main road and driving in the field till the junction he decided to follow them. And he went on OK till a moment where was marsh, a swampy area, it was very wet as in the past 2 days was raining full time, and from that moment was impossible to move in any direction. And it was raining continously...
I went to the road asking for a strong rope or anything and managed to find a rope which seemed good than asked a JCB to pull us out, he came but the rope broke and he had to go back to work along the road. Later on I found a much stronger rope and asked the same man to come, he came but was just struggling, could not really move us out and he suggested to ask for the bigger JCB. After 15 minutes the bigger JCB came but he only managed to pull us out from the deep swamp. Than the driver thought he can manage alone. After a minute he got caught again, and than the small JCB which was there pulled us out for good.
This is wonderful

Of course in the meantime I tried to push the car, so no need to tell you that when I got home I was dirty. These JCB drivers had to be paid (quite well as I would say). The good news is that the charity car was not there, but I feel sorry for this event especially for the manager. I admire how calm he was in the certain situation.

Would you try a driving here?

Next time if the road is blocked better just wait...