08 August 2008

The response of the head nurse

In the first page of the "Transilvania Expres" newspaper from Brasov, today we find the response of the head nurse to the allegations made in the same newspaper on 5 August. Here we find:
1. The Transilvania Expres newspaper supported the blaming of the Vulcan hospital's staff mentioning that the staff is forcing patients to work, they are not fed properly and patients are treated badly. Also the former article said that the staff, together with head nurse Stoica would use the patients money in their own interests, and the pensions of some patients are partly kept at the hospital. These allegations which are very hard to prove, would make a bad image of the medical staff who is working here, showing them as thieves. She said that her correct manners were never put into question in the past 33 years since she is a head nurse in this hospital. These were very serious accusations, none of them are truth, and the worse is that so far she did not had a chance to defend herself publicly. The authors of former article mentioned that the head nurse was never available on the phone, but they were informed that the head nurse was on her holiday between 1 - 31 July 2008. The authors are desperately seeking for a hot subject, even spreading lies and hurting someone's image.
2. Because of this and because her moral and proffessional status was questioned, Mrs. Stoica publicly informes the readers that the 2 author of the article appeared on 5 August, will be sued by her at the court of law, and so publicly will be known who was saying the truth and who not.

As I said this was published on the front page of the today newspaper. After this appears a note from the management of the newspaper:

The Transilvania Expres newspaper never supported the blaming of the Vulcan hospital. It is regretable that the article has appeared at the first place, and it appeared without the aproval of the management of our newspaper. We are very sorry for this and we inform you that the authors of the article were fined.

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