19 January 2008

Mina 1 Mai latest

Had a good visit in Mina 1 Mai. Stoped first at the village surgery, where I had to stop the electrical heating. It was too warm inside even the heaters were on the very minimum. And the power consumption was very high. In less than 5 months it was used as much as I use at home for 15 months. Let's have a try and check it again. Inside the main room it was about 24 C, I think. Just too warm.

Within a week or two the new heating system of the hospital will be finished. In the flat's building it is already running since the end of November. Still, as one radiator from the hallway was removed and not replaced, one pipe has burst and needs replacing. The pipe is very close to the boiler, above the stairs. The flat was OK, but some roof tiles needs replacing.
At the dental surgery I checked the compressor and the dental cart. The measurements I gave to Peter. The pressure gauge of the dental cart was showing the air pressure at both drills, but not showing at the air/water outlet. The compressor needs rubber mount, about 40 cm round or square piece of rubber.

The head nurse informed me about her recent phone conversation with Dr. Grigoriu. Basically, Dr. Grigoriu would like us to continue the electrical rewiring of the hospital and changing of tubes, sockets... Also would like to capture more water streams to increase the water supply.

Also got the information that the house next to the hospital has been regained by the authorities, and the people who live in it, must empty it and leave it, as it will be hospital's property and possibly a new OT room. However they have some time to do it, is not urgent as I understand.

In the past days was very cold in this area, we had even - 20 C, no wonder the pipe has burst, now is getting better yesterday was about -8C, today -5C. But I have a feeling that the winter is not over yet.

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