I have just visited Mina 1 Mai. The school just finished the activities for today. I spoke to the caretaker, who informed that hopefully next week the school and the kindergarten will decide about the dates of Christmas celebrations. So they don't know yet...
Recently the school and kindergarten has been decorated, walls are white, but Garofita was asking me last time if I know someone who could paint some nice things on the walls. Actually I do know. There is a baptist pastor in Sacele, (about 6 miles East from Brasov) who has a degree in arts and is a professional painter too. He could do it. But I am not sure if the school will be able to pay him?
Going further at the hospital I met the head nurse and the doctor, Ropotan's daughter. I informed them about the donation of the Mormon's, the fridge, the freezer and the washing machine. I also pointed that the Mormon people are there because of the NNRT. They should never forget this.
Than I informed them about the team visit between 8 and 12 December. Made an appointment for Monday 10 December between the head nurse, Laura, Andy and myself. Informed them that our intention is to make and give Christmas presents for all the patients. She told me that now there are 145 patients. I bet the patients will be very happy...
I was informed that the medical authorization for the dental surgery is on it's way now. It will be separately from the hospital and hopefully will get to them by the end of this month. However this will be for the last time, as starting from next year, the dental surgery will be part of the hospital and the hospital's authorization will automatically cover for the dental one. That is good!
The head nurse told me that the old boiler house is almost finished being converted into carpenter workshop, and the former carpenter workshop is "almost" finished being converted into wards, they "only" have to lay the floor tiles, and some other minor things. Perhaps by the end of the year they will do it. Perhaps.
She also told me that the roof tiles are all fitted and they were enough and they are very happy as they have no more roof leaking.
Another important thing is that a private company started now to install new central heating system in the hospital. I haven't seen the boiler yet, but apparently will run on diesel (just like the old one) but I have seen new copper pipes laid in the building where we have the flat. In fact they have changed so far several radiators, at the dental surgery, at the sewing ladies, in the toilet area, at the hallway and hopefully they will put new radiators in the flat area too. But everybody complains as the old ones were long ones and the new radiators are small, very small I should say. I doubt that this will be more efficient than the other one. So said the head nurse too. The idea is that in a week or so they will finish this building and than comes the OT room's building and finally the hospital, probably in the mid winter. So this is the Romanian way of doing things around... changing the heating system in January. Wonderful!
As for the flat it was OK. I saw 1 sleeping bag there. Probably I will have to buy another one. Just confirm this please. The storage room was very cold. I recommend for sleeping the dining room and the usual bedroom.
On the way back I stopped at the John Roche medical center dispensary. The fuses were on, and the heating panels were on too. To be honest it was very warm inside, even the thermostats were fixed on 15C. As I saw that, I reduced it to 11C today, for I must say inside the dispensary it was at least 22-23C, which is a bit too high when is not in use.
On the way back I gave a lift to the doctor Boesan, Ropotan's daughter who was asking me to come back to Brasov.
On the road between Mina and Vulcan there was plenty of snow. From the junction the roads were clear and almost dry.
Nice one Istvan.
You have come a long way since I taught you how to programme in DOS
Thanks Peter!
Hi Istvan....wow...impressive.
Excellent job.
Keep the snow and sun for when Laura and I visit 8-12 December.
Regarding the sleeping bag, please buy a 2nd one before we arrive.
No problem, and... thanks.
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