27 July 2008

On the weekend

Friday morning we started to paint the school building on the suggestion of John Hexter. John and Nona gave us a great example here, and we all followed.
John Roche and Chester did the wall repairing, rendering and than painting as well.
Most of the team below:
Saturday John and Nona left Romania, and Andy Walker arrived in the afternoon. I did the airport driving.
Sunday, as usually is a peaceful day, we went to Holbav, than visited Rasnov, and through Cristian came back. The scenery is very beautiful in this area. Holbav is in a valley, as you may see below.

24 July 2008

Wednesday and Thursday

Kirk and myself before their departure
Wednesday we had among us a team of 6 young people from Brasov, who actually are missionaries at the local Mormon church and mostly came from the USA. Together we have undertaken quite a big task, to wash all the suspended ceiling and all the walls in the kitchen.
Among them it was a dentist from USA who met our dentist at work. Below is John and Nona Hexter at the dental surgery.
Peter did the plumbing in the surgery
We have been up in the forest at the so called water spring site.
The electrical contractor whom we hired, was also there and made the final adjustments at the fuse boxes and circuits.
The partition downstairs continued. And fitted again more light fittings indoors and outdoors too.Thursday, have given out sweets and bananas to the patients. Around midday the Mormon team left as they are facing a long journey back home. Also did many shopping and started to paint the school as the work at the partition door continued.

22 July 2008

At work Monday and Tuesday

The new village sign post
Together with the Mormon team now we are 14 people who are working together very well. The new extension and conversion of the old boiler room will start soon, and that work will be carried out by the Romanian staff but entirely financed by our charity. This is quite an expensive project and so we welcome all the support we can get. Doing this, we shall make possible the new regulations: only 6 patients in a ward.
In the meantime we made reparations at the John Roche surgery, installed new computer at doctor's office, replaced many light tubes and fittings in the main hospital, started to make a partition door downstairs of our flat, and had occupational therapy with the patients.
Below a few photos taken today and yesterday.

And the work continues...

20 July 2008

Team arrival

Saturday the NNRT team arrived: John and Nona Hexter, John Roche, John Slade (Chester), Piers Lindley. By the eveing the Mormon team arrived as well, led by Mike Cheskin who are accommodated in Vulcan.
Today we showed them around the village mainly the hospital, the school and the surgery.
Later on, in the evening we had a nice meal together at Manitiu's guest house as today is Vanessa's birthday. (I think she turned 48 this year).
The whole team together

18 July 2008


Had a meeting with the head nurse, hospital staff, made some projects for the present and the future, visited the school, the dispensary, the local shop owner, and our family.

17 July 2008


Peter and Vanessa arrived succesfully to Romania. Later in Codlea, we did some shopping.
The electrical contractor has finished the job at the hospital, all the fuse boxes are now replaced.

16 July 2008


The flat is ready for the visitor team members, so the school. Tomorrow early morning will go to the airport to pick up Peter and Vanessa.
Friday morning we have scheduled a meeting with the head nurse.
Saturday morning will go again to the airport to pick up all the team members.
It seems that the summer project is about to begin...

14 July 2008

Update, 14 July

Today bought 10 bags of cement and 5 cubic meters of gravel and these are all delivered where are needed. The Romanian dismanteling team are working now on dismanteling the old boiler house, it looks that within a day or two they will finish the job. This is very important for us. The electrical contarctor was there too, 2 brand new fuse boxes were fitted in the first floor and also near to the laundry. They will continue the job. The aid boxes from UK arrived tofay from Oradea via Link European. Boxes are unloaded and safe in the flat. Accommodation for all in the school some in the smaller classroom, others in the big classroom. It looks like a good place with double glazed windows, shades, fridge, and close utilities.

The only think which puzzles me, why on earth is this flag there, as it is surely not Romania's flag!

09 July 2008

Plus Hypermarket

A new PLUS hypermaket was opened today in Codlea, near to the junction with the old paint factory. It may help our shopping in the future...

Also I have been in Vulcan, met Mr. Manitiu, discussed the accommodation for the team and the meal from 20 July.

Summer work

After negotiations in the past 2 days, we came to the conclusion that this year's job is to start converting a former boiler room into OT room and building a sewing room. As the charity will come only for 2 weeks we are unable to finish it, because this entire project would take at least 5 weeks if not more, but we are starting it, work together and financially helping it after the teams go back. Making this new OT room and sewing room we are enabling the existing ones to become 4 patient wards which is very important for the hospital now. See the photo of the exisiting old boiler room, the green building.

08 July 2008

Meeting with Dr. Grigoriu

After several phone calls to Peter Tolson, Dr. Iordache and the head nurse went to the office of Dr. Grigoriu, general manager. Had a meeting with him, listened him and also informed him calmly but firmly.
His final idea is to convert the old boiler house into sewing room and OT room, make a partition there so he can move after the patients into the existing sewing room and OT room. This is no.1 priority. The head nurse is now in holiday but she will come on 18 July to meet the team.
We may have mixed projects in this summer.

07 July 2008

My 40th birthday in Vulcan

Spent a few hours in Vulcan and Mina 1 Mai.
Met the director of the Mina 1 mai kindergarten at her office in Vulcan and got the permission for the 2 weeks accommodation for the British teams. Met the dentist there too.
In Mina 1 Mai I visited the hospital the head nurse is officially in holiday in July, but other nurses were there. I was informed about Dr. Grigoriu's visit on Friday when he declared that he needs more patients wards so both the OT rooms and the sewing ladies room will be converted into patients wards. And he wants the sewing ladies to move up in the flat in the dining room.
Had quite a long phone discussion with him.

05 July 2008

Aid boxes will arrive mid July

Contacted the Link European agent and was informed that the NNRT aid boxes delivery is scheduled for the evening of 15 July. Sorry that is not sooner, but still OK as it is before the team arrival.

04 July 2008

Back home from seaside

Thursday evening arrived back home. Below a few photos.